
How To Prepare For Gen Z In The Workforce Be Proactive and Update Your Cyber Security Practices

Technology has evolved leaps and bounds over the last 20 years. In fact, in the next few years, the first generation to grow up with smartphones and social media, will join the workforce. It might seem like Generation Z will be the most cyber-secure generation, considering they've always had the Internet and other advanced technologies at the tips of their fingers, but reports are starting to show that this is not the case.

The IT Services Model Where Everyone Wins – And The One Where You Lose Big

If you’re a business owner, there’s probably a good chance you spent time figuring out the IT needs of your business. It’s not as easy as searching online and picking the cheapest option or the company with the best reviews. The cheap option may not provide the services you need to keep your business at the top of its game, and the best-reviewed business may be too expensive or offer services that are completely unnecessary for your business.

Don’t Let Hackers Ruin Your Holidays

Online shopping has become more popular than ever before. In 2020, more than 2 billion people bought products or services online. Whether they’re shopping online because it’s more convenient or they’re avoiding going to brick-and-mortar retailers during the ongoing pandemic, more people are turning to online retailers every day.

A Proven Method To Secure Your Business’s Network

People don’t usually think about small businesses when discussing cyber security. The media covers breaches in governmental and big-business security in excess. These entities usually have lucrative targets that attract the attention of hackers but are often backed up with an extremely protective network security system that’s difficult to crack.

Protecting Your Business From Data Disasters

Data is everything to a small business in this day and age – which means if you lose access or control of your data, you lose everything.

As dramatic as that might sound, the data backs that up. According to several sources, 93% of companies, no matter how big they are, are out of business within one year if they suffer a major data disaster without having first formulated a strategy for combating it.

How Co – Managed IT Could Save Your Company From Financial Disaster

When you consider the investments in your business that you can make as a CEO, you probably think to yourself, "Which investments will give my company the best ROI?" With that in mind, would you think of making a significant investment in bolstering your IT department?

Many CEOs are understandably hesitant to throw a lot of money into their IT department because the ROI is more difficult to estimate.

Don’t Let The Dog Days Of Summer Wreak Havoc On Your Technology

Heat and technology don’t mix. We’re talking about things like PCs, servers and everything inside of them. A lot of manufacturers try to make sure the heat generated by hardware has a way to escape, but it’s not always enough. And what about heat from the outside? This is where problems can really get out of control.